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NUX VOMICA 1 oz (30ml) Dropper

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Giá Cali's Store: Liên hệ
Xuất xứ: BRECO-USA
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 Thông tin sản phẩm:

Nux Vomica reaches full blood plasma level within one hour after given to the bird. But, some degree of stimulation does occur after 10 minutes. The active ingredient of Nux Vomica is completely eliminated from the body within 10 hours.

The maximum recommended dose is 10 drops within a 10 hour period.

Nux Vomica đạt đến mức huyết tương đầy đủ trong một giờ sau khi nhỏ.Nhưng vài mức kích thích thật sự xảy ra chỉ sau 10 phút .Thành phần hoạt động của Nux Vomica hoàn toàn được thải khỏi cơ thể trong vòng 10 tiếng .Liều tối đa khuyên dùng là 10 giọt trong thời gian 10 tiếng.

Method #1: Five (5) drops are placed on feed or given by mouth at the morning and evening feedings the last two or 3 days of the keep. On the fight day, 7 to 8 drops are given by mouth along with 1 Carbotec capsules at the time of weigh-in or at least one hour before competitions. If 5 hours or more have gone by without the bird being called, give 1 or 2 drops Nux Vomica just prior to healing, or if ten hours go by without being called you may give 7 to 8 drops again.

Method #2: Five (5) drops are placed on feed or given by mouth at the morning and evening feedings the last two or 3 days of the keep. On morning of the fight day, place 7 to 8 drops of Nux vomica on 1 teaspoon of cracked corn or scratch feed and 1/3 egg white if show starts around noon time. If night show, give 1 tablespoon of the above. Allow no longer or less than 5-6 hours prior to weigh-in, in either case.

Method #3: The latest method is to give 1 capsule of Carbotec with Nux Vomica in place of feed it noon time show and 2 Carbotec capsules if night show along with Nux Vomica. At  time of heeling, give 1 Carbotec Tablet (not capsule) or inject 1cc of Carbotec injectable in breast prior to heeling. Do not use Nux Vomica or any other medications at this time. Use the Nux Vomica only as indicated above. 



អោយមានកម្លាំងខ្លាំង វ៉ៃញាប់ 
ថ្ងៃទី 1 ទី2  : ព្រឹក 5-6 
ដំណក់ ល្ងាច 5-6ដំណក់
ថ្ងៃទី៣       : 7 ទៅ 8 ដំណក់ មុនជុល 1ទៅ2 ម៉ោង.