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Pure Aggression delivers just what the name implies. This dual action stimulant gives your bird what is needed to get off the line quick . Its fact action will improve speed and help prevent shock.

Dosage is given at least 15 minutes before competition (usually just before heeling) and the effects last 1 to 1 1/2 hours. The more active (hyper) your bird is naturally, the smaller the dosage should be, also the size of the bird is important in determining the proper dosage. For injections in the breast muscle or under the skin, dosages can range from 1/10 to 4/10 cc, adjusting dosage according to: size of bird, natural metabolic rate (smaller dose for hyper birds, more for lethargic or slow acting birds), and personal experience from prior use. For starters, use approx. 1/10cc for small roosters (under 5 lbs.) that are a high strung type bird, or 2/10cc for a slow type bird. For larger birds (2kg2-2kg7.) start with approx. 15/100cc (1 1/2 tenths) for high strung birds and 1/4 cc for slow types. For birds over 2kg7 lbs up to 3.1 kg start with approx. 2/10cc for high strung birds and 3/10 cc for slow types.

After heeling, while you are waiting for your turn in the pit, get your rooster as excited as possible, by tailing or allowing him to watch the action in the pit, etc. This will give him a faster start when it is his turn for competition.