Thông tin sản phẩm:
Vitamins and minerals
Each tablet contains
Vitamin A 14 U.I.
Vitamin D 12 U.I.
Vitamin E 3.5 mg
Vitamin B2 2 mg
Vitamin B3 0.4 mg
Calcium pantothenate 2 mg
Vitamin B12 1.5 mcg
Vitamin K 2 mg
Calcium carbonate 30 mg
Dibasic calcium phosphate 10 mg
Magnesium sulfate 2 mg
Sodium chloride 1 mg
Ferrous sulfate 3.5 mg
Excipient c.b.p. 1 tablet
POLIVIT AVES is a balanced vitamin and mineral complex, according to the demands
nutritious that the birds require to satisfy their daily demands during the different stages
of his life (growth, reproduction, pelecha, training, combat).
With the use of POLIVIT BIRDS in chickens, the brilliance, color and quality of the plumage are improved; A) Yes
like the growth of the bird.
In males and females with significant weight loss or poor state of meats and with poor
Physical condition, POLIVIT BIRDS allows to complement the nutritional contribution of the food; Besides
to achieve a better use of the nutrients contained in the food of the birds. In the
females POLIVIT BIRDS is useful in the treatment of vitamin deficiencies; allows to improve
the fertility percentages and the number of fertile eggs.
The use of POLIVIT BIRDS, in roosters during training and exposure allows to maintain the
fixation and the supply of oxygen in blood, helping to maintain vigor at critical moments.
Post combat POLIVIT AVES promotes the fixation of potassium, phosphorus and electrolytes,
promoting a speedy recovery. Because it contains in its formula factors of the mechanism of
coagulation, contributes to the reduction of hemorrhages resulting from wounds and stimulates
prompt healing.
Supplement with POLIVIT BIRDS is ideal during the pelecha because it allows the birds to take advantage
better food, less waste and also: it plays an important role in the good
functioning of the nervous system, heart and muscles, contributes to the growth and
maintenance of the skin, intervenes in the production of energy of the muscle cells, stimulates
the formation of red blood cells, plays an important role in the production of defenses against
diseases and the formation of new feathers.
Reconstituent vitamin and mineral for oral use indicated as coadjuvant in cases of
avitaminosis, stress, metabolic disorders and as a nutritional supplement in poultry.
One tablet a day for 15 days or at the discretion of the Veterinarian.
Oral, as a direct shot at the peak.
POLIVIT AVES là một loại Vitamin và là một phức hợp cân bằng phù hợp với nhu cầu dinh dưỡng mà gà cần để đáp ứng nhu cầu hàng ngày trong những giai đoạn khác nhau trong vòng đời của gà - phát triển ,sinh sản,huấn luyện,thi đấu .
Liều dùng : Cho gà uống 1viên / ngày trong 15 ngày .
POLIVIT AVES គឺជាវីតាមីននិងជាសមាសធាតុដែលមានតុល្យភាពសមស្របទៅនឹងតំរូវការអាហារូបត្ថម្ភដែលមាន់ត្រូវការបំពេញតម្រូវការប្រចាំថ្ងៃក្នុងដំណាក់កាលផ្សេងៗនៃវដ្តជីវិតរបស់មាន់ - ការអភិវឌ្ឍន៍ការបន្តពូជការបណ្តុះបណ្តាល ការប្រកួតប្រជែង។
1គ្រាប់/ថ្ងៃសម្រាប់រយៈពេល 15 ថ្ងៃឬតាមការសម្រេចចិត្តរបស់វេជ្ជបណ្ឌិត។